A language is said to die when it stops evolving. Is it the same for a society? A country? A continent? If so, take heart: our era is alive and well! Demonstrations, uprising, collective upheavals, individual awareness, changing mores... The movement is constant, difficult to capture, and, at times, terrifying. Far from fantasies, we tell the intimate story of these upheavals.

2 episodes

After The Revolution, Now What?

Non fiction 6 min.

Réunion Island: End of the world, end of the month—two sides of the same battle?

First Person 46 min.

Algeria, Morocco: Once upon a Hirak

The two neighboring countries of the Maghreb have each experienced their ownHirak (movement in Arabic) in recent years: in 2016 for Morocco and in 2019 for Algeria. Two women and a man tell their experience of this movement, from doubt to combat, through all their hopes.
