Maud Le Rest

Maud Le Rest is an independant journalist and author specialized in gender and feminism. She has worked with Arrêt sur images, Causette, Gaze Magazine and SoFilm.

3 episodes

First Person 10 min.

Gaslighting, passion and oblivion

Maud had difficulty putting words to this toxic relationship. She spoke of "hold ". But that was before she discovered the term gaslighting

Long read 9 min.

The Ugly Ducklings of the School Law

Their parents are not rich, Parisian or in the law themselves, and they have suffered the consequences.

Long read 8 min.

#balancetonbar: after uproar, ear piercing silence

#balancetonbar: a hashtag that recently emerged to denounce the GHB attacks that have multiplied in bars and nightclubs, from Brussels to Marseille.
