Emily Ochoa

Emily is a London-based author. She is currently Chief of Staff at Eigen Technologies, a startup focused on machine learning software. Originally from Boise, Idaho, Emily has worked in the United States, the United Kingdom and France. She holds degrees in biology and English from Stanford University and a Master's degree in English from Oxford University. Her writings have been published in the journal The American Scholar.

2 episodes

Non fiction 8 min.

The Pursuit of Happiness: How Has the Office Become Our Last Refuge?

For almost a year now, teleworking has become the rule around the world. A new norm that is shaking up relationships between colleagues and ending informal lunches and coffee breaks. For better or for worse?

Non fiction 9 min.

Working ourselves clean : why are we so busy ?

When my father-in-law insists on going to the office when the whole world is in lockdown, my whole vision of work is questioned.
