Anne Cauvel de Beauvillé

Récemment reconvertie dans les métiers du livre, elle a été attachée de presse pour le cinéma, conceptrice-rédactrice indépendante et directrice de production de spots publicitaires. Elle écrit des nouvelles dont certaines ont été publiées en revue ou lauréates de concours. Elle est également membre du comité de lecture de la revue Rue Saint Ambroise.

Olympic Man
The idea was this: randomly choose a male or female civilian to participate in the Olympic events.

She's meant for me
Like many nowadays, I found my partner on the internet. I had been alone forever, couldn't take it anymore. I had a few girlfriends here and there, but it was always complicated. They were never satisfied, I was never good enough for them, they would leave me, I would suffer. I had given up. And then, I wanted to love again, I was tired of being alone. I hung out on websites, and I found Helena.

The Fly Trap
Claire is seeing Nicolas, an elegant, witty, enigmatic young man. But for a while, Nicolas has been obsessed with insects that invade his apartment. She observes this from a distance, used to his eccentricities. But for Nicolas, it becomes an obsession: he must exterminate these gnats! Claire sees the man she loves fall into madness, without being able to do anything.