Laura Taouchanov

Laura is a journalist, author, and filmmaker in the radio and podcasting industry. She believes that life sounds better through headphones, how about you? Born to an English mother and a Bulgarian father, she has always been interested in questions of belonging, community, and identity. Since graduating from the École Supérieure de Journalisme de Lille in 2019, she has joined several national radio stations (RMC, Europe 1, Radio Classique...) and continues to work regularly for the Transfert podcast (Slate audio). Living abroad in Dublin between 2021 and 2023, she also served as a correspondent for French-speaking radios for two years (Radio Suisse, RTBF, Radio Canada, Radio France, RFI...).

7 episodes

First Person 14 min. E12

Elpida Kokkota, “a survival kit to educate yourself”

Elpida describes herself as someone who carries a “scar”, but she refuses that this traumatic experience defines her.

First Person 18 min. E11

Mary-Justine Todd, “resilience comes with the ability to regain hope”

After an inspiring encounter at the hospital, Mary-Justine launched Shamsaha to help women victims of violence in the Middle East.

First Person 18 min. E10

Joséphine Goube, “treat everyone on their merits, not where they are from”

After a stay in the UK, Joséphine Goube created Sistech to help refugee women enter the European job market.

First Person 18 min. E9

Jimena Garcia Cabello, “outside, no one talks about them”

Jimena, dedicated to fighting injustice in Mexico, helps women in prison to develop their skills and maintain family ties.

First Person 19 min. E8

 Noëlla Coursaris Musunka, “elevate young girls with education."

Ex-model, Noëlla founded Malaika, an organization in DRC to help girls become the leaders of tomorrow.

First Person 19 min. E7

Sadaffe Abid, “Investing in women is critical”

In Pakistan, Sadaffe founded Circle of Women, an association focused on empowering women through digital literacy.

Long read 8 min.

Bloody Sunday’s Wounds Are Still Bleeding

50 years on, the tragedy of Bloody Sunday still haunts the memories of the people of Derry.
