"A Studio On The Atlantic" brings together two pioneering universities in creative writing on both sides of the Atlantic: Université Paris 8 in France and the University of Iowa in the US. During four years, student-writers from these three universities write and produce literary podcasts. After a first series in 2023 on the theme of "Sense of belonging", the next season will focus on "Soulèvements/Uprising". With the support of the Villa Albertine Foundation, the U.S. Embassy in France and the École Universitaire de Recherche ArTeC.

11 episodes

A Studio On The Atlantic

Memory-City, Living-Memory

Justin wasn't born in Paris, but he feels right at home here. Blame it on the memories he's created there, perhaps?

Non fiction 13 min.

A word for that

Caelainn takes us on a lyrical journey through language and landscape, tracing her ancestral roots in Ireland.


Rising up, breaking away

When science fiction meets reality: four passengers are interviewed just before taking the plunge into the unknown, leaving for another planet. A new departure that questions their attachment to this planet. What can they expect from this great escape?


Jai Alai:The Joyful Game

Nicolas, proud of his Basque heritage, explores his identity quest through rock, meals at his abuela's, and political analysis.

Non fiction 14 min.

Ingredients for belonging

From the rooftops of Kathmandu to the cornfields of the Midwest, Sarah and Wyatt explore what our food says about us.

Non fiction 21 min.

Difficult images

Connie and Aaron find belonging in their ugliness. This audio essay is an interwoven exploration of the rejections they have faced as ugly disabled bodies and the refuge they’ve created.
