Non fiction

Kiruv: Exploring The Art of Welcoming

A Studio On The Atlantic


Why is it that entering an unknown space can feel like coming home or trying to sit at the cruelest and most fashionable table in a high school cafeteria? Reflecting on her familial history, Jenny interviews professional welcomers to understand the under-explored discipline of welcoming others and what it means for our modern societies.

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Love for Real

At the coming of age, Ivan sees his best friend drift away and makes a promise to himself: save the friendship!


Rising up, breaking away

When science fiction meets reality: four passengers are interviewed just before taking the plunge into the unknown, leaving for another planet. A new departure that questions their attachment to this planet. What can they expect from this great escape?


Memory-City, Living-Memory

Justin wasn't born in Paris, but he feels right at home here. Blame it on the memories he's created there, perhaps?
