Non fiction

44 episodes

Memory-City, Living-Memory

Justin wasn't born in Paris, but he feels right at home here. Blame it on the memories he's created there, perhaps?

Non fiction 6 min.

Réunion Island: End of the world, end of the month—two sides of the same battle?

Non fiction 13 min.

A word for that

Caelainn takes us on a lyrical journey through language and landscape, tracing her ancestral roots in Ireland.


Jai Alai:The Joyful Game

Nicolas, proud of his Basque heritage, explores his identity quest through rock, meals at his abuela's, and political analysis.

Non fiction 14 min.

Ingredients for belonging

From the rooftops of Kathmandu to the cornfields of the Midwest, Sarah and Wyatt explore what our food says about us.

Non fiction 21 min.

Difficult images

Connie and Aaron find belonging in their ugliness. This audio essay is an interwoven exploration of the rejections they have faced as ugly disabled bodies and the refuge they’ve created.


Alphabet of Ch-arabia

Despite the linguistic distance between Lina and her father, who was born in Morocco, the lullaby he used to sing to her as a child in Arabic profoundly influenced her imagination and writing. It served as a foundation for crafting her own language, that of the "bastard children."

Non fiction 7 min.

Mary Anne


Love for Real

At the coming of age, Ivan sees his best friend drift away and makes a promise to himself: save the friendship!
